Saturday, February 27, 2010

Thanks for listening...

I am discovering more and more people that have a blog. It is kind of fun to have be a part of an ever-expanding community of people that share a little piece of their lives with everyone.

I would say that this makes them a pretty transparent person...wouldn't you?

I mean some people have beautiful words to say, and wonderful ways of saying it.

Then there is people like me, that just blog what is on their mind.

My Aunt Wanda blogs about the family that she hangs out with all the time. She spend a lot of time with the kids, so there are plenty of pictures of them, and also the gorgeous town that she lives in.

I don't know any cool HTML, to put cool stuff on it. I am not sure if I want to learn. I made a webpage before, for my school many years ago, and I won 3rd place in the whole state. Well, I made it with two other classmates, my teacher, and my teacher's son.

Moving right along...

It is weird to me to think that people are actually reading my blog. People promote their blogs. I went to a writer's conference a couple years ago, and met a lot of people at the workshops. It was interesting to see that there were some truly professional writers that had business cards and everything. These people were serious about their promotion. I noticed, from all the cards that I received that most had on the back...they are free!!! I also noticed that all of them had blogs.

I know that lots of people have had them for years, and years, but it is something new to me that I am really enjoying.

Thanks for listening...

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