Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Nothing special resides here...

I am not good with HTML. I am not gonna profess to have a cool blog, or do cool things.

I am Rachel Marie Coates. I live in Delaware. I am a girl, with girly feelings. I get all nervous around boys I like. I am confident in the person that God has created me to be.

I am nothing special, unless we are talking about what God has made me to be, because he makes nothing imperfect, or worth no value. I find my identity in who I think I am, not who you think I am.

Lately, I have noticed that people are always "nexting"(a term from Stumbling On Happiness"). We are always looking forward to what is next. We want to get off of work, go to bed, wake up get ready for the job that we hate, and start the vicious cycle all over again. I, thankfully, do not hate my job. I enjoy what I do. I mean, I would much rather be sleeping in, or going to school full time, but alas, I have to work.

People are always looking for the end of the work day, or waiting for the weekend. I want to be able to wrap my head around that statement. What about the here and now? Why can't we live for the moments that we can enjoy work? Why do people work jobs that they mildly tolerate, and spend all day wishing that they were somewhere else?

How can the husband and wife that got married because they felt they had to be happy when they are not in love anymore? Why is no one satisfied with their lives?

I admit that I am not happy with mine. I am turning 26, and have nothing to show for it. I do not have a degree, a husband, or any kids. On the other hand, I think that if all people were like that, life would get kinda boring. I live at home, but I am also in school, hoping to get an education that will lay the foundation for the rest of my life.

Whoa, this is getting kinda deep. I need to sleep, my pillow is calling my name.

Have a great night everyone!

1 comment:

  1. I am a blogger too. It's good to have a place to say what is on your mind, you go girl!
