Wednesday, March 3, 2010


So for school, I am reading a book called "Stumbling on Happiness". It is a book by an Ivy League school professor, that actually admits to not having it all together. His name is Daniel Gilbert.

He admits to loving God, and being loved by God, and he also admits that he may not be right.

The book is expanding his primary thought base of everyone having different definitions of happiness. Some look at their eternal happiness, while other are looking for their immediate happiness.

It got me thinking. I noticed that in many aspects of my life, I focus on the things that people have not done, instead of the wonderful things that they have done.

It is kinda like when your friend gives you a hug for doing something for them, but then asks later why you didn't do it sooner, or why the present you got them wasn't the other thing.

Why are we not happy as a society about what we have. What are we constantly looking for the next best thing? Daniel Gilbert calls it "Nexting". I think I mentioned it in another blog post.

I just wonder why when I am at work, and have done a bunch of stuff for the unit, I get asked why something was not done.

It is really annoying me. Every single one of us does it in one way or another.

Often times we don't realize that we are doing it. Instead of criticizing, I say that we should try being thankful when someone does something for you.

What do you think?

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