Monday, March 15, 2010

been awhile...

I was reading an article on the internet about blogging, and how to properly do it. It said that you should blog every day, and be consistent with it.

I have to disagree on this one. Blogging means so many different things to so many different people. Some people blog to let loose, and let their feelings flow. Some people blog because they want their ideals out there. I blog simply because it makes me happy. I get to let the world(or whoever might read this), know how I feel, and what I want to do about it...which is nothing, but it is interesting to think about the rules of blogging.

I don't agree that there should be "rules". I mean, I read the blog of a guy that I met, and it was extremely cynical with a link to the anarchist's cookbook and things like that. Not my style...

It is so simple to just blog. No pre-conceived notions. Just

Well, something else I have been thinking about has been bothering me. So, as a Christian, I am supposed to leave the judging to God, right?

Well, I am also human. I do my best not to judge people, but when I get cut-off on the highway, and under my breath call that person an a**hole, that is my human nature taking over. It is so engrained in our society that it is okay to do that. It is not. How can I stop myself? Why is it that this is so hard?

God help me...and he will.

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