Friday, March 19, 2010

I am not so good at this...

I am just not so good at this blogging thing. My week was a little bit traumatic. I worked the weekend for the first time, and it went smoothly. I also came down with a sickness called hand, foot, and mouth disease. It has got to be the weirdest thing ever.

Monday, I had a day off, and had lunch with my friend Bill. Him and I went to Iron Hill, and it was nice. We went there and had a nice lunch, and I came home. Although, I noticed that I wasn't really hungry. I went on about my day, and went to the after school program, where I volunteer. I made the posters, and some other things that needed to be done for the bible lesson. It was fine, but I just got really, really hot there. I had been really cold earlier on in the day. So, after things were over, I went home and took my temperature.

It was 102.7. It started at 100.7, and just progressively got worse. I went to bed early that night, freezing cold, but sweating all night.

I woke up the next morning and the temperature had passed. I wrote it off as some kind of freak thing that happened, and went to work. After work, I went to the Limestone Medical Aid Unit. I met a really nice Nurse Practitioner. I peed for them, and then was prescribed an antibiotic. I went to work the next morning like normal, went to get labs drawn, Panera, then class.

Thursday I went to work, but noticed my hands were very bumpy and itchy. I showed a nurse and asked her what it was. She said that I should go home, and also that I should see a doctor.

So, here I am, don't rock me like a hurricane. I have been house-bound for about a day and a half. I am going stir-crazy.

When life hands you lemons...make lemonade, right?

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