Tuesday, March 9, 2010

more complicated then it has to be...

In my person opinion, I feel that God has made things simple for us. Love and worship Him, and he will be there for us. He wants us to serve him. Not for any other reason then the world needs it, and it is part of the Great Commission.

This book, Stumbling on Happiness that I am reading, is making me think. I am listening to it, right now, laying on my bed. There really is no other reason that I can blame the complication of life, then the fall of man. When Eve bit into the apple, it brought silly things into the world. Things like confusion, car accidents, alexithymia, or silly psychological studies that really have nothing to do with anything.

Most psychological experiments, in my humble opinion, are proven wrong on a regular basis. You might have 100 people that all believe that the earth is flat. Psychologists do studies on these people, and may even send a satellite into space to prove them wrong. But then after this whole big expensive study is done, they find 200 people that believe it is a square. More satellites come...more psychologists, and their mediums come along. Things are proven right and wrong. Other things are proven a moot point.

Does it all really matter. I have chosen to be a very simple person. I don't need much to be a happy person. I mean, life has its trials and troubles, but overall, I am happy. I live my life for others. I want to help people, I want to hang out with the kids around me, and I also want to do many things before I die. I do not have things that I need in the morning to wake up. I enjoy a good cup of coffee, but I am perfectly fine with what my Mom makes in the morning. I have no problems at all with being stuck at my job, with nothing to wear or shower with.

Things are much more readily available than we want to believe. It is simple...

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